Tuesday, October 29, 2019

President Barack Obama as a speaker, discussing his content and Essay

President Barack Obama as a speaker, discussing his content and delivery style - Essay Example Ageism is a set of beliefs that enable people to justify prejudices based on age, its use being either casual or systematic. This form of discrimination is increasingly becoming common especially against elderly people. There is an increasing belief that the older people, or the elderly, are past their prime and that they cannot function well in society. In fact, it is said that these people have become useless to society and should therefore, not be shown any form of respect by the younger generation. President Obama has in his speech and in support of universal healthcare indirectly come in support of the elderly. In essence, his belief in universal healthcare has shown that he does not believe in ageism and, in fact, values all the people in society. Racism is the belief that Man is divided into various groups known as races and that such groups bear certain characteristics, which make them either superior or inferior. Racism is one of the most predominant forms of discrimination today, and it is experienced by people in all occupations. President Obama, in many of his speeches on racism, the most notable being the one to the NAACP, states that America has come a long way in fighting against racial discrimination. However, he also states that the fight against it in American society is not over and that it is likely to go on well into the future (Thompson and Thompson). Religious discrimination is the treatment of certain people in a different way because of their spiritual beliefs. This is usually done most especially against those people who belong to either a different religion, or a different denomination. Those who adhere to different religions are usually discriminated against in such cases as legal proceedings, or when attempting to get employment. One of the people who tend to face religious discrimination in the Western world is

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