Thursday, November 7, 2019


Employer Employers and employees are the two integral parties in all organizations. The employees of an organization are the primary machinery of the business and their input is indispensible. The employers on the other hand are the ones who own the business and their goal is to ensure its productivity and future survival.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Employer-Employee Perspective specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The employee-employer relationship is shaped by many aspects including: legislation, employment contract, and salary to name but a few. Even so, this relationship is in many instances characterized by a difference in expectations by the two parties. Employers and employees have different expectations of each other in their execution of duties and in the day to day running of the organization. This difference in expectations is as a result of the differing views held by the two parties as well as changes that are t aking place in the industrial work and labor markets. This paper will set out to discuss the differences in expectations between employers and employees. The paper will seek to reveal the reason for this changes and how they can be properly managed for the good of both the employee and the employer. The employer is the party who hires the employee and he expects individual employees to provide good and quality work, loyalty, and show commitment to the organization. However, the commitment and loyalty of the employee is not easy to secure due to the cut throat competition between organizations which has resulted in mounting pressure on workers to deliver good performance. Hankin (2005) theorizes that this excessive competition can trace its roots to the industrial revolution in 1850s led the growth of markets and firms and hence the growth of business activities. The development in infrastructure fueled the development of business. Companies today therefore adopt strategies aimed at making maximum profits and minimizing cost. Milkovich and Newman (2010) reveal that these events have led to pressure on employers who were forced to look for ways to minimize production cost. Without concern on the working conditions employees are subjected to, employees expect high performance but want to offer low wages. A common expectation by employees is favorable work conditions and adequate pay. This results in a feeling of contentment which increases the likelihood of good job performance. Research on organizational productivity has continually demonstrated that better working conditions results in higher productivity for the organization (Vance, CM Paik 2006).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is therefore in the best interest of any employer to seek to acknowledge the needs, wants and requirements of their employees that would make their working experi ence amicable. This is mostly in the responsibility of the human resource department to implement such regulations to favor the best yield from the worker. This not only puts the organization in the best place in the industry but also is a quality assurance policy. To maintain a competitive workforce takes much more than just a good pay check and lucrative remuneration (The Georgia Department of Labor 2011). These include a regular assessment of the employees not only to review the company’s performance but also to let the workers know the quality of their work as well. Employer’s expectations must be influenced by their input to achieve the same from the employees. Every employee sets a target they would require their employees to achieve. Traditionally, employees have been able to correctly predict the kind of reward they will get from investing time and effort in the organization (Jenster Hussey 2001). This predictability contributed to the employment relationship since it motivated employees since they could rightly predict the performance that results in desired outcomes. In the current labor market, organizations are undergoing constant changes and stability of employment is no longer assured. Employers’ expectations in the recent past have notably shifted from the old age experience requirement to preference in the ability to adapt to change and self-motivated individuals. With the changes in technological advancement at the current speed it is impossible to remain in the status quo regarding workforce. The need to have a dynamic labor force has prompted the shift in the interest and expectation of employees. According to Milkovich and Newman (2010), employers are looking into the universities for fresh and young university students graduating in various disciplines as a more effective workforce. The labor force market today is mainly driven by unemployment which means that there is a substantial pool of potential hires from which an employer can recruit. Compared to the situation in the past, it is today easier for an employer to find a willing worker. The common and shared expectations seen in many employers are related to individual personality and integrity accompanied by off course academic backing. The most important quality is the ability to motivate one’s self. The demand for self motivated individuals is escalating as the days goes go by (Vance Paik 2006). This is seen as substitute for lack of experience for new employees. The means that the employee has shown qualities of: ambitiousness, dedication and a willingness to learn and acquire new skills. Team work rewards is being encouraged by many companies as a way to achieve targets in the organization. The shift has been effected from experience to application of knowledge to the benefit of the company as wells as of the employeesAdvertising We will write a custom essay sample on Employer-Employee Perspective specifically for you f or only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Individuals with the drive and desire to learn and commitment to self-development always attract the attention of a possible employee. These are qualities of people who will always have the job done no matter the situation. Minimum supervision is required for their commitment (The Georgia Department of Labor 2011). This is quite much of what any employer would want to have inculcated to his/her employers both current and new. Every company’s and employer’s goal is to achieve much without much supervision. Employers now seem to be more interested with team players, consensus builders and creative thinkers along with the schedule qualifications of computer literacy and precise understanding. Employees at all levels are required to have more knowledge and perform more. Integrity is another possible plus for an individual seeking employment. Intelligence is vital in the workforce as individuals with such virtues are in a b etter position to handle issues with out difficulties (Vance Paik 2006). Any employer expects such qualities from their employees as way of minimizing loses in careless mistakes from the same working individuals. This will also involve such skills as oral, written and communication skills. These may extend to even requirements to have a foreign language with the world globalization of the world and business as well. In the course of their employment with an organization, employees seek to create an interpretation of their obligations and entitlements with the organization. This interpretation is obtained from information gained from co-workers, supervisors and also the formal employment contract (Jenster Hussey 2001). In times of organizational changes to previously stable organizations, there comes about a mismatch in perceptions of obligations between employer and employee. In the recent years, many companies have are experiencing dramatic and unstable changes owing to emergence of an innovative era of labor rights. These changes are responsible for the current transformation of way work is done by employees in varied institutions. Revolution is inevitable at the current labor markets. Rising inclination is far much influencing organization prompting them to act in response to the emerging trends. Of these emerging trends, a few are quite prevalent and most felt among the employer’s domain. It is these developments that are creating the major troubles for employers as they are affecting the way business and labor is carried out. Tension between the employers and employees is emanating from these trends.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The pressure thereof presents opportunities but threats as well as threats to the employees-employers relationship. They include globalization which puts organizations on a global scale operating in a global economy. This creates competition on a higher scale as compared to before globalization was initialized (Vance Paik 2006). This aspect brings about larger convergence regarding consumption and demand of the products produced by an organization. At the same time there is greater possibility for the opposite effect of divergence at work where companies need to acclimatize commercial approach, market strategies, and production to local domestic markets. To remain relative to the market requirements employers are forced to adapt to the changing labor requirements accepted. Communication and information dissemination is occurring across the globe in divergent language. This is a wakeup call for employers to embrace the reality that demand for labor has gone a notch higher than the t radition local workforce employment. More opportunities are being created by the ability for traders to make trips round the globe due to the easy mobility. This however has created more and broader competition for companies. But the most important event is that it has reduced barriers to do business and invest in other countries (Sims Quatro 2005). Employees are looking for a synergistic approach to life. Work is a piece of a bigger picture. Companies that want to attract dedicated, creative employees need to offer more than competitive pay.† Currently employees are looking for benefits to their advantage and to improve their livelihood. This includes family leaves, child education support loans, flexible working hours, medical covers, and other services to their advantage, job share opening and monetary arrangement programs (Cluff 2002). Companies prospect have transformed in response to global transformation as well. Short-term existing companies create no opportunities fo r promotions and rise in the corporate ladder for employees (Jenster Hussey 2001). On the other hand, lifelong companies will always have structures providing opportunities for the same and encourage hard work within the organization. Though monetary remuneration is an important motivation for workers and an indication of one’s value in the company, there are other important aspects as well. Today the employee is also concerned with their professional growth and they are continually requiring the employer to provide schedules that improve and encourage growth (Milkovich Newman 2010). While in the past employees were content to work and wait for the employer to issue a promotion in a random manner, employees today want to know the steps to take in order to get promoted. The change of events has seen reward being valued on knowledge and performance of an individual. Employees and employers expectations differ in many ways. Both the employee and employer wish for an equivalenc e of standards and opportunity. For one to be considered ready for employment, he or she is weighed in respect to the needs and requirements of the organization. This has however changed owing to the shift in the present aggressive environment, in technology, and in hypothesis of administrative applications (The Georgia Department of Labor 2011). Extreme competition has seen companies change their tactic and focusing more on the customer’s needs and a passionately careful to satisfy those needs. Companies are today very keen to respond to customers change in preferences and satisfy customers demand (Hankin 2005). This may result in employees’ perspective being ignored and when this happens, it can result in perceptions of inequality in the work relationship. The employee will have a reduction in his perceived obligations to the organization. This paper set out to discuss the differences in expectations between employers and employees in the current labor market. To thi s end, this paper has shown that employers’ expectations are mostly guided by the organizational strategy. The paper has also reviewed the manner in which employees expectations have changed in the current labor market. These changes must be taken into consideration by the employer so as to ensure high productivity is obtained from the employee. References Cluff, ED 2002, Library education and employer expectations, Journal of Library Administration, 42 (11): 25 38. Hankin, H 2005, The new workforce: Five sweeping trends that will shape your companys future, USA: AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn. Jenster, P Hussey, D 2001, Company Analysis: Determining Strategic Capability, New Jersey: Wiley. Milkovich, GT Newman, JM 2010, Compensation, London: McGraw-Hill Education. Sims, RR Quatro, SA 2005, Leadership: succeeding in the private, public, and not-for-profit sectors, London: E. Sharpe. The Georgia Department of Labor 2011, Employer Expectations. Web. Vance, CM Paik, Y 2006, Managing a global workforce: challenges and opportunities in international human resource management, Arizona: M.E. Sharpe.

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